AccsQ (accounts review questionnaire)

Why use AccsQ Questionnaire? The questionnaire has been designed as a quality control checklist, ensuring everyone delivers a consistent and clear service and works in the same way.

Client information

Client Information and completion data

Accounting Records

Tailoring Questions

Answering No will skip the questions in the relevant section

Fixed Assets

Have you ensured opening balances this year agree to last year's closing balances?

Has any Fixed Asset Register software been updated and the totals agreed to the additions/disposals and depreciation charge in the accounts?

Are asset purchases and sales correctly stated exclusive or inclusive of VAT as appropriate, with dates clearly shown?

Has existence of major items on asset register been agreed with the client?

If there are additions to motor vehicles do we have a note of the co2 emissions? If not, has a note been made to obtain this information?

Are the Fixed Assets and Depreciation Policies in any notes to the accounts consistent with the actual treatment in the accounts, and has depreciation been reviewed for "reasonableness"?

Stocks and Work in progress

Are stocks correctly disclosed at lower of cost/net realisable value (and exc VAT if appropriate)?

Has the existence of work in progress been considered and included at selling price if it exists?

Does the accounting policy (if disclosed) agree to the actual method used to value stock and work in progress and is the wording appropriate to the type of business?

Have obsolete and/or slow moving stocks been considered and adjustments applied on a consistent basis?

Debtors and Prepayments

Have you been able to review after date receipts for completeness of debtors?

Are debtors stated appropriately including or excluding VAT?

Have bad debts provisions been considered and VAT adjusted as appropriate?

If there is a debtors note in the accounts does it provide meaningful information?

Cash at Bank and in Hand

Are there surplus funds on current account not earning interest?

Were there any differences on cash or bank account "written off" in these accounts?

Creditors And Accruals

Has it been possible to review after date payments to check accuracy and completeness of creditors?

Are creditors correctly stated inclusive or exclusive of VAT as appropriate?

Where material, has consideration been given to a holiday pay accrual in the accounts?


Are there any VAT errors that need to be adjusted, and, if so, has a schedule been prepared for the client?

Does the VAT balance on the accounts agree to the working papers?

Have you been able to reconcile sales per VAT returns to the turnover in the accounts?

Are VAT Scale charges being calculated using the correct rates applicable in that accounting period?

Loans and HP

Have full details of loans/HP liabilities been recorded in the working papers?

Have you ensured that the correct treatment has been applied and that any leased assets capitalised are not "operating leases"?

Do the accounts correctly distinguish between current and long term liabilities - HP and loan repts etc due after one year?

Equity/Capital Accounts

Would drawings (in conjunction with other known income) appear to be sufficient to maintain apparent known standard of living?

Have sources of Capital Introduced been identified?

Where appropriate, can any drawings and capital introduced be "netted off"?

Is there an accounting policy for personal taxation and does it agree to the treatment in the accounts?

Profit and Loss Items

Have you ensured that there are no personal tax or NI payments in the P &L expense - "Wages"?

Have you reviewed Repairs to ensure revenue v capital has been reasonably identified?

Does appropriate business insurance appear to be in place?

Is there any substantial expenditure paid privately that can legitimately be charged as a business expense?

Use of Home as Office - can a charge be justified?

Computerised accounting records

If a computerised desktop based system, have you provided a list of adjustments for the client to post to his system to agree the balances in their software to the accounts?

If a computerised cloud based system, to which you have access, have you made the adjustments to agree the balances in the software to the accounts?

Are wages being posted direct to an expense account when paid or is a "Wages Control" posting document in place?

Are there "period end" checklists being used (or recommended) to show the checks and balances needed at the end of each period?

Has a period closedown or date locking been implemented, or instructions given to a client to close down the period to prevent postings to a closed year?

Have you ensured that full nominal ledger reports (of essential codes) for the prior year have been printed out and either placed on the accounts file or preferably printed to a pdf file and saved in the client folder or document management system?

Accounts schedules, working papers and presentation

Has the Analytical Review (variance) report been printed and commented upon where there are significant variances?

If Lead Schedules have been prepared, a) are they really necessary and b) do they agree to final accounts?

Has a 3, 4 or 5 year summary been included in the reports?

Have "standard" graphs been included and consideration given to any other salient graphs that could be usefully included?

Has a statement of funds flow been included (as this provides answers to common questions such as where has all the money gone!)?

Has "1 page Analyst" or a similar business advisory report been attached?

Has the presentation of accounts been made "different" by adding logos, watermarks, etc?

Have accounts been critically reviewed for presentation, spelling, grammar and layout?

Points forward

How have we processed the data this year, and should we consider doing it differently next year?

Annotate or mark those done this year but not required in future, or note how something should be done next year if different from the method this year.

Should/could management reports be prepared/supplied on a regular basis to monitor business performance?

If manual, manual cash book or spreadsheet suggest Online Accounts may be of benefit. If there are problems with computerised systems again recommend online where we can go in and review on a regular basis

Thank You Page

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Thank you for taking the time to answer this questionnaire

